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*Deal of the Day - Florist's Choice

Green Hills Florist

*Deal of the Day - Florist's Choice


Uncertain what to send? Need a quick delivery? Allow our expert floral designers to create a beautiful arrangement that expresses your earnest condolences. Everyone is unique and s..

*Deal of the Day - Florist's Choice Selections

Green Hills Florist

*Deal of the Day - Florist's Choice Selections


Uncertain what to send? Need a quick delivery? Allow our expert floral designers to create a beautiful arrangement that expresses your earnest condolences. Everyone is unique and s..

Beautiful In Blue

Green Hills Florist

Beautiful In Blue


In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue, along with the purity of intention symbolized by white, will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them dur..

Blooming Garden

Green Hills Florist

Blooming Garden


Green plants with fresh cut blooms such as stargazers and roses in basket.Approximately 15" W x 26" HWe wanted to let you know that while the bouquet pictured serves as a reference..

Bright Light

Green Hills Florist

Bright Light


"Bright Light" basket arrangement designed by Green Hills FloristAvailable in signature (pictured), pastel, and vibrant tones.Approximately 34"W x 15"HWe wanted to let you know tha..

Celebration of Life Standing Spray

Green Hills Florist

Celebration of Life Standing Spray


The fresh, colorful blooms of this standing spray remind us that with the celebration of life comes a renewal of spirit and hope. An exquisite expression of sympathy.Approxima..

Classic Sympathy Arrangement

Green Hills Florist

Classic Sympathy Arrangement


"Classic Sympathy Arrangement" by Green Hills Florist.This outstanding arrangement of vibrant seasonal flowers offers your condolences in a most memorable way. Available in vi..

Dear Memories

Green Hills Florist

Dear Memories


"Dear Memories" by Green Hills Florist.This pink and white arrangement is perfect to display your heartfelt sentiments.Available in signature pink (pictured), pastel, and vibrant t..

Divine Peace

Green Hills Florist

Divine Peace


An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounde..

Life Remembered Spray

Green Hills Florist

Life Remembered Spray

$290.00 $340.00

Life Remembered Spray by Green Hills Florist Roses, Lilies, Gladioli in colorful shadesAvailable in vibrant (shown) and pastel tonesApproximately 32"W x 80"HWe wanted to let y..

One Dozen Premium Roses

Green Hills Florist

One Dozen Premium Roses


"One Dozen Premium Roses" designed by Green Hills Florist 12 premium Ecuadorian long stem roses in a classic vase with seasonal accent greens.Approximately 16"W x 23"HOur rose..

Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Large

Green Hills Florist

Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant - Large


"Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant" designed by Green Hills FloristWhite cascading orchids with double spikes with faux peach blossom branchApproximately 40"HWe wanted to let you know that..

Showing 1 to 12 of 16 (2 Pages)